Tuesday, October 21, 2008

about my relationship with food

For the past three weeks, I've been using the site SparkPeople.com , tracking my food intake. It calculates my calories. While I am eating more than the calories required to lose weight, I am not overeating or binging.

As a result, I am becoming more aware of the emptiness I want to fill. That's interesting and a little scary. I'm working to replace "scared" with "excited" and "interested" - like I'm a science project and I get to observe myself to see what's really going on inside me.

So far in my life, I've had amazingly horrible and stressful things happen - my 6 year old nephew dying of cancer, being fired twice and having one be in the newspaper, becoming physically disabled, etc. And I've binged through them.

During all of these tragedies, I didn't pick up a drink (I've accepted my powerlessness over alcohol), which is great. Yet until now I haven't accepted my powerlessness over food. It's a tough one, and so far I'm doing well.

More shall be revealed!


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