Wednesday, October 15, 2008

about reaching goals

It's been two weeks since I started with, and already I feel a sense of accomplishment.

Yes, I've lost some weight, and that feels fantastic! Seeing results is a wonderful motivator. The weight loss is a great result from the effort I've put in - effort in meeting goals I set for myself.

So I really want to celebrate both the weight loss and the fact that I'm following through with my intentions. I am keeping my promise to myself! HOORAY FOR ME!!

It feels safer to celebrate keeping my commitment to myself. That REALLY feels good. For so many years, I've celebrated lost pounds only to find myself becoming complacent. Then I eat more and more, with the result that I weigh more than before. And I'm shocked because I didn't think I ate that much, or that the food contained so many calories. It was a combination of denial and ignorance.

That's why I am reluctant to celebrate letting go of some of my extra weight. (I now officially celebrate my use of the term "letting go" of weight - yay for me!! It is a very freeing phrase for me.) The result is not as important as the way I am operating this time. This time, I'm tracking calories and getting a major education in how what I eat really DOES matter. I'm changing HOW I eat, the process by which I release extra weight that no longer serves me, and gaining badly needed information.

Usually, I am unable to achieve my goals because I don't quite know how to get there. I lack key information, as well as willingness and clear-sightedness about my actual situation. SparkPeople is giving me the information I need.

Now I'll celebrate that I use the site just about every day (skipped one). That kind of consistency indicates to me that I am now completely willing to be accountable to myself and for my choices.

Celebration is vital for me to be willing to continue in anything. I need to feel some sense of accomplishment, some progress, or I will become unmotivated. So I celebrate the small steps, because they are the building blocks for reaching the larger goal.

Each big goal is made up of a ton of little ones. By reaching the little ones, I am closer to reaching the big one.

For example:

* By sticking to a calorie plan each day - one goal - I'm putting together the building blocks for letting go of one pound. And each pound released brings me closer to my goal of living at a healthy weight.

* Each day I stick to my calorie plan, I gain more experience in healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. That experience helps me get closer to my goal of consistently living a healthy life.

So "YAY FOR ME!!!"

How do you celebrate YOUR wins?


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