Monday, January 08, 2007

about making change

Changing oneself is an incredible challenge. And that may be the issue. It seems like such an incredible challenge, like climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. So break it down. Make it smaller. Take one step at a time. Begin at the beginning, not even having the end in mind. Who knows what the end is anyway? We can have a sense, a vision, a general direction of where we want to end up. But our journey will shape the ending. An amorphous goal becomes solid, real, tangible by the end. The information I gather along my journey helps me clarify and zero in on the goal. And the journey itself helps me incorporate information, assess it, pay attention to my visceral reactions and responses to situations and opportunities (very different things, reactions and responses), heed my emotional signals, and shift course ever so slightly to get to the end that is my "right fit.

"God Grant me the Serenity to accept the ones I cannot change, Courage to change the one I can, and the Wisdom to know that one is me."

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