Wednesday, October 29, 2008

about this election

I'll admit it - I'm scared. I'm scared that Obama will lose. I'm scared that we will get McCain in the White House and Sarah Barracuda in Blair House. He represents the old ways of conflict seeking, and she represents some not-so-new ways of us/them politics.

I just re-read Anne Kilkenny's post about Sarah Palin on this site - because I needed to make sure it was real Snopes is too busy to let me see their findings but the google blurb says this: Alaskans' Opinions on Sarah Palin
- 4:19pm
Aug 31, 2008 ... This letter was indeed written, as claimed, by Wasilla resident Anne Kilkenny, who explained her motivations for drafting it to a Daily ...

Anyway, the scariest part of the letter is how Palin claimed to be the "first Christian" running for Mayor of Wasilla, despite knowing full well that the incumbent is a Protestant. She redefined Christian to mean "born-again Christian."

In my experience of most born-again Christians, that means she dismisses anyone who is not like her as being "damned" and not worthy of her care and attention. Also, if you think someone is damned because they don't believe as you do, then why should you listen to him or her? For that matter, why should you be nice to them? They're apostates at best and heretics at worst. Forget the idea of compassion and loving your neighbor as yourself...the values I was raised to think of as Christian.

How can we elect someone like her as Vice President? It would be like having our own home-grown Taliban. Yes, fundamentalism is fundamentalism, in my book.

Scary stuff. I think I'll pray that I have faith that everything is working out perfectly.


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