Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Binge Signals

I listen to my binge voice but am learning not to heed it, if that distinction makes any sense. It needs to be aired because it is a source of information for me.

If I want to binge, what's going on? Am I hungry and perhaps have gone too long between meals/snacks? Or did something happen in the world that triggered one of those feelings over which I binge? Am I lonely, or feeling inadequate, not enough, incompetent, despairing? Those are my big triggers.

Identifying the underlying cause for a "binge signal" allows me to take appropriate action (as long as I'm willing to do so!). When hungry, eat a piece of fruit and/or some protein. When emotional, call a friend or write in my blog or go outside or clean the kitchen sink or draw a picture - whatever it is that will feed my soul and help me feel whole and enough.

Honestly, I have come to the conclusion that we are the only ones who know what works for us. Experts have tons of great ideas and suggestions, and I thank them for them. Then I go ahead and test them out. Some work for me, others don't. It's up to me to pay attention and make choices based on my self-knowledge and experience. I've learned how to lower the chatter in my head, to say "thanks for sharing, now I've got to move on!"


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