Saturday, February 17, 2007

about continuing to believe in one person's power

What if everyone who wanted to change the world got discouraged and gave up? What if the forces of greed and disdain and cynicism held complete sway? What would happen if no one wanted to improve themselves, to become a better person, to be more loving and kind? Imagine a world without compassion, without service or generosity, without caring? What if no one gave and no one received? What kind of life would we live if we were really all in it for ourselves and no one else? What if there was no hope? Would we be happy? Would there be unadulterated joy? Would we be satisfied, content, at peace, serene, "in the flow" or "at one with the universe?" Would the concepts of nirvana and heaven exist?

Or would we live a hell on earth and pray only for release from tortured existence?

I can't give up my ideals or my striving or my efforts to be of service and improve the world for me and for others. I may be the only person swimming against this tide, but it is my only choice. And I am not alone. Others understand the power of one person. It's inner work that will make the difference, that will change the external.

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