Monday, February 16, 2009

About Why I Tweet on Twitter

Re Facebook, there are so many people uncomfortable with the degree of exposure, esp. unwitting exposure. I told a friend that I posted a photo of her and she very gingerly asked if I'd be OK taking it off - which of course I was. My impulse was to include her in "my life" so she wasn't mad, she just reminded me that she values her privacy. As her friend, I want her to be comfortable, so down it came. I have the photo, that's all that matters.

I tweet because I am at home all day, talking on the phone to people, and generally connecting to the world via the web. It's been a lot of fun. I learn a lot about what's going on in the cyberworld, social marketing, "HUGE money making opportunities!" that require a whole lot of hard work (no one ever tells you that...), free services, funny videos and websites ( is one definitely worth a visit - LOL cat pictures and captions).

Twitter keeps me in touch with the world, sparks my imagination, gives me information to pass on to several people I'm helping with their job searches, gives me stuff for blog posting - I am turning into a writer. You may or may not know I'm officially disabled (SSI and everything) after several back operations and hip replacement - while it's very frustrating not to be as mobile as I want to be, I have found these cyber-outlets that save my sanity.

Otherwise, I doubt I'd do all this!

Really, all Twitter is, is the answer to the questions "watcha doin'?" and "a penny for your thoughts..."


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