about sharing
I think I am compelled to share with others because I know viscerally how awful it feels when someone withholds what they have. My mom withheld so much - knowledge, insight, love. She held it close in case she might lose it, focusing so tightly that she missed seeing her impact on me. Putting on makeup. Folding clothes. Weeding. Drawing and painting. Choosing plants and deciding where to put them. Digging in the dirt. Baking bread.
I am self-taught, mainly. I watched when I could. Watching without questions, learning to avoid speaking and asking for guidance. Her responses were exasperated and impatient, in attitude dismissive and even contemptuous. Her words were rarely kind, usually sharp and critical. Looking for flaws and error, she found them in abundance. But why were they errors? What didn't I know yet? How could I know if no one explained things to me? Why was I to blame for not knowing what I didn't know? The inexplicable is still incomprehensible.
So let me share, let me explain, let me seek progress, let me applaud learning, let me celebrate the risk involved in exposing one's lack of knowledge in hopes of gaining it, let me emanate an attitude of safety, comfort, support, positive reinforcement. Let me share what I now have learned, and perhaps heal my still-seeping wounds and bind up the gaps in my heart.
I am self-taught, mainly. I watched when I could. Watching without questions, learning to avoid speaking and asking for guidance. Her responses were exasperated and impatient, in attitude dismissive and even contemptuous. Her words were rarely kind, usually sharp and critical. Looking for flaws and error, she found them in abundance. But why were they errors? What didn't I know yet? How could I know if no one explained things to me? Why was I to blame for not knowing what I didn't know? The inexplicable is still incomprehensible.
So let me share, let me explain, let me seek progress, let me applaud learning, let me celebrate the risk involved in exposing one's lack of knowledge in hopes of gaining it, let me emanate an attitude of safety, comfort, support, positive reinforcement. Let me share what I now have learned, and perhaps heal my still-seeping wounds and bind up the gaps in my heart.